Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Real results – Chairman Lee fights for a World of Peace

Peace – a beautiful ideal, a distant dream or our future?

Many people I have encountered on life’s journey tell me they would love to see a world of peace but do not believe it is possible.

What is it that makes us disregard the possibility of this for our generation and what does it take to make this a reality?

The wise words from Chairman Lee of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) are very simple – it takes you and me to change our mind from believing it impossible to making it possible – “You can do it - if you do it!”

With a track record of fulfilling every promise declared before thousands of people since May 2013, Chairman Lee has proved time after time that these words ring true to those who hear it and take it to heart.

 On September 18th 2015, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) called all leaders of the world to gather together for the wonderful vision of a world of peace by facilitating a signing ceremony for ‘Proposal to enact an international law for the cessation of war’ and ‘Unity of Religions Agreement’ during the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Seoul, South Korea.

The event was attended by 50 former and incumbent presidents, vice presidents, and prime ministers as well as roughly 2,000 other politicians, religious representatives, leaders of women’s and youth organisations, who all gathered to form a network for peace.

Where would you ever go to see many religious leaders from all continents of the world gather together in one place? When has this ever happened before on such a large scale?

Not only was this a miracle but they all signed a pledge to further this work by uniting all the scriptures for the common goal of peace and to support this law by becoming the gatekeepers of the International Law for the cessation of war.

Since then Mr Lee has been travelling tirelessly around the world to fully commit to the pledge that has been made.

After hosting the 1st Annual Commemoration summit, an International law committee has been established, propelling the focus to holding substantive meetings for drafting an article on convention on renunciation and cessation of wars and armed conflicts, which was later held in London for the 2nd amendment.

I was delighted to hear that Mr Lee and Ms Kim Nam Hee of IWPG had travelled to LA, Salvador and then to London in November following the Commemoration event to host the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) ‘IWPG Peace Forum’ to urge the implementation of the International Convention on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace to discuss implementation of the International Convention.

Ms Kim Nam Hee pleaded with all women leaders; “Only when we become one in heart and gather our efforts to urge for peace, we can do so much more than we do separately,”  and underlined the integral role that youth and women play in achieving peace.

 “When we raise active awareness on how crucial the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of Wars is, this initiative will be unstoppable by any forms of authority or wealth. Let us all become messengers of peace and speak up for the implementation of the Convention in one voice.”

Not only were the Women leaders addressed but also a visit was made to the most prestigious university in England, at the University of Oxford, where HWPL Chairman, Mr. Man Hee Lee delivered a Keynote speech to over 600 students at the Oxford International MUN conference where key world issues were discussed and participants could listen to illustrious guest speakers from across the globe.

Chairman Lee asked keen listeners “Even before their precious lives fully blossom and receive proper education, should youth ever be forcibly taken away from their mothers and be trained and used as tools to satisfy the greed of others?”

It could be said from some sceptics, what do well educated Oxford students know and understand about the issues of war?

However, sowing a seed of peace in the hearts of these influential young people will reap a harvest of peace from potential world leaders who have the power to change the world in the next generation. These are young people who have a voice who can change and influence a nation which can impact the world – tomorrow’s leaders.

Surely, that must be a hope worth fighting for?

Chairman Lee never failed to fill the expectant hearts with hope and inspire others to run for the goal of peace and finally, I would like to share the following with you:

”The cessation of war and world peace is possible. Peace is not achieved by one individual or by one country or a corporation, but rather it is achieved by the combined efforts of everyone, the efforts of the global family on this earth like you”. (Chairman Lee)

Never before has anyone achieved world peace but with a movement this big and growing rapidly day by day it is without a shadow of doubt that Chairman Lee knows the answer to bring peace to fruition – the fruits of his labour speak for themselves.

Monday, 7 December 2015

A Solution to World Confusion, Conflict and the Absence of Peace - Chairman Man-Hee Lee

Today the world is witness to global earthquakes of contention where conflicts are rife and governments scratch their heads wondering what has gone wrong.

We live in a democratic society that have petitioned for the freedom of mind and humans rights to live as we as we choose without the need to adhere to a God, yet missing the valuable point that we have the right to a life of peace, which should be secured through a covenant of peace. Secularism which distinguished the powers of religion, was thought to be the way to freedom, yet there has never been a greater lack of love and such an increase in a materialistic and commercialised society, resulting in an outbreak of civil wars as a result of the surplus who feel prejudiced.

Since removing religious laws which attain to a holy life pleasing to God, to sustain life and peace, now individualism remains, creating an imbalance to harmony and leading to discord and chaos. Is there not evidence of this felt around the world?

So what is the solution, the hope?

At this very moment there is one who has heard the cry of the people, there is one who has carried the burden of the world and has given up his life to restore what has been broken. A look into the life of this individual reveals the green shoots of a lasting legacy of peace unfolding.

By calling upon all religious leaders, heads of state, chief justices and those who hold the duty and are responsible to lead the people in righteousness and justice, Mr Man-Hee Lee, Chairman of the pioneering organisation, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), is currently gathering momentum in the peace movement which is shaping the world.

The recent 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, a 3 day event which was held on 17 September 2015 in Seoul, South Korea and focused on making amendments to the drafting the International Law which will end all wars.
Agreements were made followed by Mr Lee participating in the 70th anniversary of the UN Gathering, in New York, where he addressed the delegates with a heart-warming speech focusing on the main issue that war should not be permitted by any means, coupled with the support of thousands of youth around the world through International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) who share the same heart for World Peace. As a result the UN commemorated the 18th September as HWPL day.

What will it take for this hope to come to fruition? Should the democratic society of this age not pro-actively work together for the right to have peace - which is freedom from war. Should we not work for the things that last rather than the things that pass away?

Women of this world

A big movement of women are rising up to positions of power and strength and it is by this strength and determination that women can help push for the peace-building initiatives to save our future children.

A mothers heart has always been the fire that warms a home and the anchor of a family, so it is no surprise that women are fighting for equality, human rights and justice with the passion that can move nations and unite hearts?

Then women of the world together lets stand up and defend our youth and protect our families by pushing for the enactment of an international law for the cessation of war and lets become the gatekeepers of this law that it shall never again be broken.

Chairwoman Kim Nam Hee is at the forefront of the phenomenal woman's movement IWPG, which now contains over 700,000 members worldwide - the call to the women of the world has gone out...

will you answer it? 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

The call of peace in a dying world - The Voice of Mr Man Hee Lee cries - PEACE!

The 1st Commemoration of the WARP Summit makes waves around the Globe... 

This video touched my heart, the sound of a baby crying, the visual display of mankind dying, killing each other, why? Because of discord, which stems from division of religion.

Who can help restore this world, that sits in fear of terror attacks and alerts around the world of an imminent threat to mankind? 

Is this how the creator intended us to live - in fear?

Chairman Lee of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of light (HWPL) has travelled around the world 21 times in the past 3 years with the determination and persistent plea to all leaders of the world to surrender all opposition of beliefs and to unite as one to achieve the goal of an International Law for the Cessation of War.  

Please join this beautiful work and sign up at: 

Monday, 12 October 2015

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2015 - A Model of Nobility...

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2015 was awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet 2 days ago for pioneering the rebuilding of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia after the Jasmine Revolution which began in 2010 and resulted in President El Abidine Ben Ali being driven out of his seat.

Positive Results When All Gather as One

The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet became a group of 4 organisations when the Tunisian General Labour Union took the first step in forming an alliance of civil societies. They approached the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts, considered their historical rival. The Tunisian Human Rights League and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers later joined.

This is a prime example of the positive results that can be achieved when entities lay aside their disputes, differences and cultural divides and gather together as one.

Established in 2013 at a time when the Tunisian government were being criticised for their lax attitude towards Islamic extremists; the Quartet took serious action when the democratisation process became in danger of discord due to many political assassinations which caused widespread social unrest.

The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet played the role of mediator by forming a national dialogue between the country's Islamic and secular coalition parties, which led to the country's first free democratic elections last year.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said; “It was thus instrumental in enabling Tunisia, in the space of a few years, to establish a constitutional system of government guaranteeing fundamental rights for the entire population, irrespective of gender, political conviction or religious belief”.

Chairman Mr Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of light (HWPL) has been working tirelessly around the world to unite religions to create an alliance that would prevent war not just in one country - but the entire world. 

How is this work being carried out?

Since the World Alliance of Religions for Peace (WARP)  summit held in South Korea in 2014, many World Alliance of Religions for Peace (WARP) offices have been established in over 50 countries to create scripture dialogues which can determine the answer toward world peace.

I truly believe that through these positive actions, World Peace can be achieved one day at a time.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Mr. Man Hee Lee says ‘’WE ARE ONE’’

Under One God, One Creator, One Heaven we belong to One World with One Goal...


What causes there to be such division, separation from one another, a fracture of unity and a web of discord between a man and his neighbour?

If the world had one heart, one mind – the goal of world peace - surely that would be a world that could live peaceably. 
Peace is an ideal desire for many, yet I read, from time to time, the views and opinion of those who still argue that it is impossible and further create reasons why this cannot be realised. In doing so they cannot see they are the ones that are stopping peace becoming a reality.

I am inspired by one man who by his inspirational mind and word, he creates the realm of possibility for a world of peace.

I believe those who truly want a world of peace would agree with me that if many of us surrendered our opposing views of what we think could obstruct this work and rather joined a peace movement such as Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) then progress could be made to build a peaceful world. 
Surely, it is likely that there would be greater results that outweigh the negative few who cannot believe.

What makes Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) the organisation that can get us to this peace destination?

Have you ever tried to find a new place without a map or tried to bake a cake without the recipe?

When we don’t know how to get there or how to make that perfect cake we ask someone who knows the way or who has baked before and of course it tasted good!

Mr Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a veteran of the Korean War, who has experienced the realities of people dying, the horror of suffering and pain. After surviving many atrocities of the war, Mr Man Hee Lee set his mind to help his fellow brothers and sisters in Korea by helping to pioneer a community based programme called the Saemuel movement.  

Evidence in the rapid growth of South Korea in becoming a self sustaining, fully functioning and flourishing country fills me with confidence that the peace messenger is a man of great power in change and restoration.

So why would you not want to be a part of this major peace movement that is now changing and shaping the world?

Monday, 5 October 2015

HWPL Making Positive Steps to Create a Partnership with the UN in Order to Achieve the Cessation of War....

Personally, I am really excited about the news of the progress that Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of light are making to achieve World Peace. 

So many believe World Peace is nothing but a mere foolish man's dream or laugh at the possibility of it ever coming to fruition, but wasn't that the same reaction when man wanted to fly or visit the moon?

As a reputable NGO with national, regional and international standing, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) have been operating for the past 2 years as a not-for-profit organisation with a track record of peace initiatives, voluntary community based projects and for establishing worldwide alliance of religions for peace activities created by scripture dialogue offices which have been flourishing around the world in over 50 countries.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL),  International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and International Women's Peace Group (IWPG) recently gathered many volunteers to contribute towards the rebuilding work in Nepal and offered $40,000 to help rehabilitate the devastation caused by the earthquake that struck earlier this year.

It is due to achievements such as this and the sheer determination to make a marked difference in the future of mankind by forming an international law for the cessation of war, which has caught the attention of the United Nations, who called upon Mr Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL, President Park of  International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and Ms Nam Hee Kim, Chairwoman of International Women's Peace Group (IWPG)  to The General Debate of the 70th Session of the UNGA on 28 September 2015.

Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), Mr. Man Hee Lee was able to host The ‘Global Peace Leadership: Women, Youth, and Interfaith Dialogue’, where Mr Lee discussed the work of HWPL and the vision of world peace, which can be achieved when religions become one and unite to end all war.

The petition for the agreement to propose the Enactment of International Law for the Cessation of Wars, World Peace and the Unity of Religions has been signed by thousands of religious leaders, former heads of state and political leaders who hold the firm belief that this will provide a more prosperous future for this generation and generations to come.

I look at the youth of today as they grow up and my heart longs for their future to be bright and full of hope. 

If not for you - fight this fight for them....WORLD PEACE!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) demonstrate one LOVE, one HEART

How?......by donating $40,000 USD to the victims of Nepal in July this year.

What greater love is there than for one to love their neighbour as themselves?

After hearing a series of earthquakes in Nepal took the lives of over 9,000 people leaving approximately 2.8 million people in need of assistance, members of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (‘HWPL’) and International Peace Youth Group (‘IPYG’) were immediately spurred in to action to support the reconstruction work in Nepal.

From the 25th May, at the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and International Peace Youth Group Walk Festival, members of  Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (‘HWPL’) and International Peace Youth Group (‘IPYG’) took a moment of silence to honour the lives lost in Nepal.

Mr Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL suggested a donation booth titled “The Path of Bringing Cheers to Nepal” should be set-up and participants should gather their hearts as one, to unite in love, for those who were suffering across the other side of the world.

Mr Man Hee Lee also pioneered the commemoration event which held a photo exhibition of collapsed landscapes in Nepal, to remind participants of the situation in Nepal and encourage them to write a message of hope and offer donations to support the reconstruction work.

In the past, Mr Man Hee Lee was involved in rebuilding the Korean community by starting the New Community Movement, a political initiative launched on April 22, 1970 to redevelop rural South Korea and stabilise the Korean economy after the war.  
The evidence of this is clear to see in modern South Korea today. The people of South Korea have adopted a beautiful spirit of community and unity in the face of adversity, showing the rest of the world a clear model of humanity and the way we should live in harmony with each other.

Think about it.....what kind of world could be created if we all adopted this mindset and embraced the wisdom from Mr Man Hee Lee by gathering our hearts together as one?


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Recipe for Peace - No: 2 Make Tea not War...

Many of us look for ways to find a moment of peace in our lives....

Wellness or herbal tea can bring inner peace and there has been a recent influx of many brands and blends that are recommended to administer soul therapy using relaxing extracts that treat the skin and calm your soul.
Even a trip to a spa would not be complete without being served the final topping of a relaxing herbal tea to complete the whole experience.

The sweet scent of chamomile, orange peel, lavender and cloves, blended into the most enchanting infusions - Mmmm… just ooze the most amazing flavours....based on the therapeutic philosophies of herbal medicine which begin to soothe the nervous system and relieve stress, making anxiety the last reaction, rather than the first. As a temporary solution, herbs work by protecting, healing, and defending the body from the ravages of stress and anxiety.

A cup of tea is a cup of peace....
(by Soshitsu Sen XV)

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light is a peace movement that incorporates peace for the mind, body and the whole WORLD, inspired and created by Chairman Man Hee Lee.

Now that's a cup I would like to drink from - where life and hope can be restored on earth now and forever more....

Mr Man Hee Lee says:
''I believe in the eternal kingdom, the kingdom of love, the kingdom of eternal life.''

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Thailand Bombing - Senseless Violence - This calls for a Unity of PEACE

On the Monday 17th August, they are calling this the worst ever bomb attack in Central Bangkok, Thailand which took place at the popular Erawan Shrine. This is the hotspot for Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist tourists, where the bomb claimed the lives of 22 people and injured 123.

How can this be?

 Why is there such a thirst for shedding blood and stealing the lives of our brothers and sisters?

My heart goes out to those who lost there lives. My desire for World Peace has been been fuelled by this incident although it is not an isolated case.

For the sake of this generation I implore you to stand against this and help build a future that opposes this force of darkness by uniting for World Peace.

How much more innocent people must we lose before we wake up and realise now we need to unite - not fight?

Chairman Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), has been working tirelessly to this end and said:

"We, the peace delegation, will leave peace as a legacy to the future generations by having all agree and sign for the enactment of the international law for the cessation of war and world peace, before God and all people of the world, and we call heaven and earth as witnesses."

In September, 2013, the Peace Messenger visited Thailand for the celebration of the Supreme Patriarch's 100th birthday anniversary after being invited by the secretary general of Thai Buddhists. On that day, Buddhist representatives from various countries gathered together and Mr Man Hee Lee presented a lecture to them, also well as at a Buddhist university, and had a discussion with the religious leaders. This led to the signing of a peace agreement and a promise to work together for peace.

After this success, in January 2014, the Peace Advocate’s delegation travelled to the Philippines and gave lectures in many universities, and even held a Peace Walk with the university students.

It is no secret that Mindanao had been a place of religious conflict between Catholic and Islam, where 120,000 people have been sacrificed during a 40-year conflict, and no politician could solve the conflict.
This region was a battlefield fraught with tension as the government forces (Catholic) and the rebel forces (Islam) aimed their weapons towards each other. Due to this no one could walk around, even for a second, without fear.

The Peace Messenger arrived with the peace delegation, which included Chairwoman, Ms Kim Nam Hee of the International Women's World Peace organisation (IWPG) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) under the name of the God of peace and a pledge was made before God and all the people of the world to put an end to all the conflicts and to never cause them again, which led to the signing of the peace agreement.

All the people in the audience who witnessed this were filled with great joy; they embraced each other and danced.
The people of Mindanao were able to witness the miraculous work of Mr Man Hee Lee as the 40-year conflict in Mindanao was restored through peace.

The History of War – is PEACE not a Better Substitute?

Knowledge discovered weapons and destroyed countries, whilst faith stirred up love for a neighbour and hope for the future.

The past shows us that war notoriously stemmed from the lack of resources, money, and power over the surplus, which further fuelled the unquenchable human desire for wanting more.

Does the rain choose who it lands on?
Does the sun only shine on the good, the rich or the powerful?
Who is the source of all our basic provisions?
What about the air, is it selective on who may take its share?
Are there some of us who take too much and leave others with little oxygen to breathe?

No, it would be fair to say we just take what we need and we survive.

Chairman, Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) says;

“As the light, rain, and air of heaven give life to all creation, let us love this world. Love will achieve world peace and restoration.”

History shows us that the earlier civilisations, would hunt on the land of their neighbouring tribes, slaughter the males, plunder the villages and seize the females. Consequently, the more belligerent tribes were selected and governed the people. Hence, a love of glory came to mingle with the more fundamental appetite for pillage.

Well remembered wars, such as the American Revolutionary War, originated with the resistance of many Americans to the unconstitutional taxes imposed by the British parliament. Patriots protested, boycotts led to the destruction of a tea shipment at the Boston Tea Party. As a result, the British government closed the port of Boston by way of chastisement to Massachusetts and took away self-government. This sparked a reaction which caused the Patriots to set up a shadow government which took control of the province outside of Boston and the story goes on.

We should also consider the wars of the Three Kingdoms, born from a difference of opinion centred on religious disputes over whether it should be dictated by the monarch or the choice of the individual. The general consensus was that they ought to have freedom of religion.

Doesn't this beg the question – who is the True Founder of Religion? Is it not God the Creator himself?

Korea recently commemorated the National Liberation Day of Korea, also known as Gwangbokjeol on 15 August, which means "the day the light returned", the day when Korea was liberated from colonial rule and had victory over Japan.

Mr Man Hee Lee, was born in Korea and fought in the front-lines of the Korean War, as a combat soldier.

Mr Man Hee Lee said; 

“I saw my comrades dying in pain countless times. I was stuck in a situation where I could not advance forward or retreat. I was so hungry that I even ate dirt and gunpowder. 
I struggled to survive. The sounds of guns, cannons, jets, and bombs did not stop for one second. The heavens, the earth, and my heart trembled, and the sky was filled with smoke.
When will the soldiers change out of their bloodstained military uniforms?Killing with guns and dying from starvation—this was the tragedy of a fratricidal war.”

After miraculously surviving such devastating experiences, Mr Man Hee Lee now has an unshakeable desire and burning heart to end all war so that other young adults do not have to face death in such horrific conditions or play subject to that ordeal.

Mr Man Hee Lee has been spreading the message of peace worldwide and is working diligently to enact an international law for the cessation of war. Mr Man Hee Lee’s experience of war has meant that he does not speak on a foreign topic with a blinkered view and his passion has never ceased.

“I received many rewards from around the world—certificates of awards, plaques, and medals. 

However, these are not the true rewards...

...the true reward is the establishment of world peace. 

This is an eternal reward.”

Should we not fight the war of terror with world peace and be proud to stand alongside someone who is determined to win - not just for his country – but also for the world?

There is such nobility and honour in sacrifice and selfless ambition.

Isn’t this greater value than the glory and shame that come to nations as well as to individuals, which stem from the see-saw ride of politics and the transmutation of trade?

What stability and security there is in the hope of a world that embodies justice and shares equality, just as God intended.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of light (HWPL) start a revolution of Scripture dialogues across the world

Innovative steps to a peaceful future – HWPL facilitates scripture dialogues worldwide
To a respective person, the idea of having an Islamic scholar, a Buddhist monk, a Christian theologian and a Hindu spiritualist all in a room together could be laughable, seemingly impossible or even disparaged but this is the reality occurring worldwide.
It’s a phenomenal achievement by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light (HWPL) who facilitate such dialogues which were created to draw religious leaders from all faiths to search the Holy Scriptures to find the pre-eminent answer to world peace.
 Mr Man Hee Lee says: 
"If we don't end war,
war will end us...." 

 Mr Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light and Ms Kim Nam Hee of International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG), together, carry the will and sheer determination to settle the score with war and abolish the need for such destruction to our neighbours and rather establish an alliance with the world leaders and all nations.
How is this possible?
 A scene - never been witnessed before – at the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP)  summit held on 17-18 September 2014 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea,  played host to a prestigious event which called upon all religious leaders and political heads of state to come together to unite for the goal of world peace.

The event saw over 2,000 religious leaders, political judiciaries and heads of state, from all over the world gather together in a beautiful display of unity as they held hands and agreed to sign an agreement to end all war. Chairman Man Hee Lee carried a message that rang in the ears and resonated in the hearts of those who attended, creating a determination to return to their homeland to continue spreading the united message of peace.
Since then, there has been a revolutionary awakening and Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) have hosted many scripture dialogues in the US, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, Latvia, Romania and many other places throughout Europe and the Middle East.
The scripture dialogues hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) provide a platform for Religious leaders to examine their scriptures and understand each other to find the best solution to achieve peace as God intended for mankindIn addition, the audience are given the opportunity to participate in an interactive way where each religious leader responds according to the scriptures.
The success rate is ever accumulating and unprecedented results are being felt around the world.
 "Our Religions, representatives and leaders are born in this era as workers for the cessation of war and for peace" 

Mr Man Hee Lee 

Who wouldn't want to join this peace movement now - at this time?

Surely it is the duty of all religious leaders, officials and most importantly the youth of this generation to establish a world of peace?

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Heal the World - Make it a better place.....Michael Jackson - a heart for World Peace

Growing up as a child, I cannot forget the angelic tones of the late Michael Jackson, who always filled my days with joy and dancing. 
There are many of us who loved Michael Jackson growing up, many of us emulated the dance moves, well or badly, however you choose to look at it.

However, what I truly loved about Michael was his heart for the people and his ability to unite hearts and transcend boundaries through his music. One of my favourite songs was "Heal the World" which always resonates with me. 

Michael Jackson's heart for peace was strongly conveyed through his lyrics and it was clear that his desire was to see a world united in peace.

Many people flocked to Michael Jackson’s funeral; people wept and broke down in complete sorrow.

When we think of Michael Jackson now, what would he want most in this world?

Michael wrote in the following verse:

"In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place"

I truly believe that this is the time that Michael’s dream will become a reality.

How beautiful it would be if all those millions of people that mourned the loss of a great musician would carry the same heart with a desire for peace

Wouldn't this be his desire, for this generation to gather their hearts as one?

Michael said that we could really get there if you cared enough for the living; he believed and had a hope that peace was possible.

Today, Chairman Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is singing the song of World Peace.

Mr Man Hee Lee is fulfilling the hopes and dreams of people like Michael Jackson with the same heart that burns for peace.

Mr Man Hee Lee is the answer to the cry deep within the hearts of those who longed to see the day that there would be no more tears, sorrow or pain.

The people of Mindanao Island in the Philippines have already witnessed the healing words of Mr Man Hee Lee as he orchestrated the peaceful resolution between Catholic and Islamic religious conflicts.

If Michael was looking down on us now, don’t you think this would make him smile?

So, what can we do to please the hearts of those that ran for peace before us?

Let’s join the race for the prize of a world filled with joy, love and harmony and complete the work that has been started, nothing is impossible if we all believe that it’s possible.