Monday, 7 December 2015

A Solution to World Confusion, Conflict and the Absence of Peace - Chairman Man-Hee Lee

Today the world is witness to global earthquakes of contention where conflicts are rife and governments scratch their heads wondering what has gone wrong.

We live in a democratic society that have petitioned for the freedom of mind and humans rights to live as we as we choose without the need to adhere to a God, yet missing the valuable point that we have the right to a life of peace, which should be secured through a covenant of peace. Secularism which distinguished the powers of religion, was thought to be the way to freedom, yet there has never been a greater lack of love and such an increase in a materialistic and commercialised society, resulting in an outbreak of civil wars as a result of the surplus who feel prejudiced.

Since removing religious laws which attain to a holy life pleasing to God, to sustain life and peace, now individualism remains, creating an imbalance to harmony and leading to discord and chaos. Is there not evidence of this felt around the world?

So what is the solution, the hope?

At this very moment there is one who has heard the cry of the people, there is one who has carried the burden of the world and has given up his life to restore what has been broken. A look into the life of this individual reveals the green shoots of a lasting legacy of peace unfolding.

By calling upon all religious leaders, heads of state, chief justices and those who hold the duty and are responsible to lead the people in righteousness and justice, Mr Man-Hee Lee, Chairman of the pioneering organisation, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), is currently gathering momentum in the peace movement which is shaping the world.

The recent 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, a 3 day event which was held on 17 September 2015 in Seoul, South Korea and focused on making amendments to the drafting the International Law which will end all wars.
Agreements were made followed by Mr Lee participating in the 70th anniversary of the UN Gathering, in New York, where he addressed the delegates with a heart-warming speech focusing on the main issue that war should not be permitted by any means, coupled with the support of thousands of youth around the world through International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) who share the same heart for World Peace. As a result the UN commemorated the 18th September as HWPL day.

What will it take for this hope to come to fruition? Should the democratic society of this age not pro-actively work together for the right to have peace - which is freedom from war. Should we not work for the things that last rather than the things that pass away?

Women of this world

A big movement of women are rising up to positions of power and strength and it is by this strength and determination that women can help push for the peace-building initiatives to save our future children.

A mothers heart has always been the fire that warms a home and the anchor of a family, so it is no surprise that women are fighting for equality, human rights and justice with the passion that can move nations and unite hearts?

Then women of the world together lets stand up and defend our youth and protect our families by pushing for the enactment of an international law for the cessation of war and lets become the gatekeepers of this law that it shall never again be broken.

Chairwoman Kim Nam Hee is at the forefront of the phenomenal woman's movement IWPG, which now contains over 700,000 members worldwide - the call to the women of the world has gone out...

will you answer it? 

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