Sunday, 28 June 2015

Part 1: Declaration of Peace - the Missing Peace!

Officially proclaimed at 5.25 Peace Walk at the Peace Gate, the Declaration of World Peace is HWPL’s vision for sustainable peace.

The Declaration of WORLD PEACE:

"The Heavens and the Earth formed by the hands of the Creator have been given to humanity as an inheritance.
In all the universe, life in its vast splendour exists only on our world. The life that grows on the earth is sustained from above - by light, by the rain, and by the air they provide unconditionally to all living beings. We have received the precious gift of life from above, let us give glory to heaven, and live in peace on earth. 
This is the truest teaching of heaven.
With this eternal gift - the grace and life we have received - are we entitled to fight, kill and destroy one another? We cannot claim to desire peace and continue to provoke one another, causing conflict for the sake of valuing our own national interests above those of others. This will only take the lives of the youth, wasting them in the futility of war.This is not a legacy we can leave to future generations.''

''Are we entitled to fight, kill and destroy one another?'' 

A good question which deserves observation and careful consideration from those of us who really care about our future.....

What religious text or law permits this?

How can we work together to eradicate the misunderstanding of religion that has advocated destruction to mankind in the past?

Join the movement in the only fight worth fighting for - WORLD PEACE!

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