Sunday, 26 July 2015

What is the missing peace?

Chairman Mr Man Hee Lee has the key!

Many people, especially in the east, describe peace as a feeling, a state of tranquillity. For others, it can be a place to visit or a state of mind achieved through yoga, meditation or therapy. Along the western hemisphere, peace is viewed more externally as the absence of war.

In all fairness, many of these answers can identify peace in some form, however, if inner peace is the ultimate pinnacle of the peace experience for mankind, if this is all that we want for ourselves, arguably this could be seen a self-seeking, self-centred ambition which has no substantial effect, untenable and quite frankly, a pointless exercise in the grand scheme of things. 

Would you hose down a pig that will go back to wallowing in the mud? Wouldn't it be better to eliminate the cause of distress, anxiety and pain in order to live in peace?

I often eat out with friends and they will comment “wow, this food tastes like heaven!” and there is always a moment of peaceful contentment and satisfaction that comes from relishing a finely cooked piece of steak or a succulent lobster claw, but how quickly that moment passes by and it’s gone; like putting money in a bag with holes. No matter how much you fill it, it still falls out at the bottom and soon disappears.

Chairman, Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) once said; 

“Just because you say you will eat does not mean you will be full; it is only when you actually eat that you are full.”

We all have different perspectives of what peace is and what peace looks like so, what is the peace that is missing from this world and how can it be achieved that we can all enjoy its embrace?

Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa and Freedom Fighter, said 

“A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.”

A true heart for peace will desire the entire world to experience the absence of war, that all mankind may enjoy peace and tranquillity as a whole. There are men and women who desire to end all war and create a world that eliminates suffering and unnecessary heartache and pain. 

Does this not leave a lasting legacy that we can all experience?

What greater ambition is there, than to desire peace for your fellow brothers and sisters first, rather than for your own, what greater love can there be?

Chairman Lee, of HWPL, lives by this philosophy. His sole ambition and life’s goal is to offer a solution to end all war and build a world that opposes the injustice of power, money and violence.

A new era of peace has begun in Mindanao Island, the second largest island in the Philippines, which suffered from a deep religious dispute, between Catholic and Islam religions for 40 years, causing over 100,00 casualties.
Mr Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) had compassion for the people of Mindanao and paid a visit to settle the conflict. Messenger of peace Man Hee Lee met the two representatives of Islam and Catholic to sign the Peace Agreement on January 23rd 2014.
 During his third visit he advised the Archbishop and three Bishops to sign a Peace Agreement at a Nunnery.  
The purpose of Chairman Lee’s visit was to conclude the Peace Agreement which led to the miraculous settlement of the conflict in the Mindanao region.

It is these positive actions of the peace messenger that can really make a difference in order for the world to experience tangible peace on a macro level.

At over 80 years of age, Mr Man Hee Lee, alongside Ms Kim Nam Hee of International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG), are continuously pursuing around the world endeavours to enact an international law for the cessation of war and fulfil the declaration of world peace, this is truly inspirational and in my humble opinion, the real meaning of peace.

1 comment:

  1. that's great! For world peace, it needs the dedication.
